【2020 賺爆美金】網賺平台PropellerAds新賺錢功能介紹(In-Page Push 增加50%收益)

PropellerAds 絕對是目前可以媲美Google Adsense 廣告收益的平台
我們就來看看這次推出的新功能 In-Page Push
Meet the new format – “In-Page Push” (or IPP for short).
根據官方說明,此項功能可以增加 50% 的收益 (太驚人了~~)
The new solution is capable of growing monetization profits up to +50% from your Pop Ads earnings.
Example on desktop

Example on mobile

💰 Why work with In-Page Push? 為何要使用 In-Page Push
Monetizes traffic from any GEO, all devices and browsers, including iOS users with high CPM.
Looks native to your website and works like classic Push notifications.
100% Google-friendly and can be combined with other monetization solutions (AdSense, Push Notifications, Popunders, etc). Customize the push size, appearance, frequency to best suit your website.
💡 Try the new format today: You can find the new tag in your Publisher account. Please note that the new tag is currently capable of monetizing only websites with Alexa Global Rank < 100 000. You can check your website here.
目前 PropellerAds  3種廣告呈現形式

另外,如果你是透過PropellerAds 推播你的廣告的
A new traffic type for Push campaigns has just arrived!
We know that for a long while you’ve been asking for the ability to target more platforms and iOS types.
We couldn’t stand aside, that’s why today you can expand your Push campaigns with a newly developed traffic type – In-Page Push.
Let’s explore how In-Page Push can change your advertising game.

Spoiler: You’ll have opportunities to grow your Push campaigns BIG time.

How to add In-Page Push traffic to your campaigns?

🚨 This is not a drill; the feature is already available – you can find it on your campaign creation page.
The new traffic type can be activated, when you select Push Notifications ad format:

PropellerAds - Push notification campaign

Then you need to scroll down; under frequency settings, you’ll find a tick box that says, “Include In-Page Push zones.”

PropellerAds - In-page push

How will users see the In-Page Push?

Users receive these notifications while they are browsing a webpage. There is no difference in the way these two types of Push look.
Here’s an example:

in-page push campaign - propellerads

Why use In-Page Push?

While this feature looks exactly like a good old Push Notification, it has certain technical specifications that make it a perfect addition to your Push campaign.

#1 You can now reach iOS users

Long thought to be elusive, iOS users can now be finally reached!
In-page Push was specifically designed to target all OS, platform, and browser types. Now you can seriously expand your coverage with all those “fresh” users who have not been exposed to Push Notifications before – meaning that potentially they are much more responsive to this ad format.

#2 Be everywhere: on websites and their devices

Classic Push Notifications ensure that your message reaches users even when they are not browsing, but what about all those online users?
In-Page Push fills this gap – you can consistently spread your message on devices and websites. The equation is simple: more traffic = more conversions.

Important notice: Please pay attention that on December 2, this option will be automatically enabled on all active Push notification campaigns. You can disable this targeting manually.

Ready to test this new functionality? Then wait no longer and grab this excellent opportunity to get MORE users with your Push campaigns.
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